Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Lush Cosmetic Warrior Fresh Face Mask Review

If your skin is anything like mine you will need this product in your life. Rare is 
the day where my skin is completely spot free, so I usually spend my
 mornings trying to cover the blemishes. That is until recently when I decided 
to up my skincare game in order to prevent the blemishes and allow myself 
to use a lighter base.

I decided to incorporate a regular use of a cleansing face mask into my skincare
 routine. When it comes to face masks, for me only Lush will do. Their face masks are 
completely fresh and are made up of fruit, vegetables and the finest essential oils. The fact 
that these face masks are fresh gives a great excuse for a regular pamper as they need to be
 used up in a 3-4 week period.

Cosmetic Warrior is made up of garlic, fresh grapes and tea tree oil, among
 many other fine ingredients. At first sniff this mask can be quite strong and over
 powering, but once you see the effects it has on the skin you won't even think twice 
about the smell. I apply the mask directly onto clean, fresh skin and then sit back 
and relax for 15 minutes whilst it works its magic. This mask is great for combating spots
 and troublesome skin as it has many anti-bacterial properties including honey and 
organic free range eggs. 

Although this mask might sound like more of a meal than a skin care product it
 really is becoming a holy grail essential for me.

Have you tried any of the fresh face masks from Lush? Which one do you like the best?

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