Tuesday, 6 May 2014

How running taught me to challenge myself

On Sunday I took part in, and completed, the Liverpool Spring 10K race. This is something I never thought I would be able to do as my fitness levels used to be terrible. There once was a time where I couldn't 
even run on the treadmill for 2 minutes without getting ridiculously out of breath, and feeling like
 I had to stop. I would never thought a year ago that I would be able to run non-stop for a whole
 hour like I did on Sunday. I especially did not expect to enjoy the race quite like I did!
As a result I have found myself wanting to apply for another race in a few months time,
 despite the huge blisters on my feet from Sunday.
So far my running journey has taught me a lot about how to challenge myself and achieve
 my goals. I find running really mentally tough, but in the long run (no pun intended) I always
 end up with a clear, anxiety free mind. Realising that I can push myself to run further than ever
 before has only encouraged me to try and apply this success to other areas of my life. 
Understanding that your mind gives up before your legs do is key to accomplishing your goals
 when out on a run. I find motivational quotes really inspiring before I go out to run
 (or hit the gym) and Pinterest is particularly good for this. I have created a health & fitness
 inspiration board on Pinterest and always check back to this when I need a little lift.

So, what are you waiting for? Get those trainers on and go run!
 Even if it is just for five minutes, you will thank me later.


  1. Congrats on 10km! I did my first ten km this year as well and loved it :)

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Thank you Jasmin :) They are really rewarding aren't they!

  2. Great job! My first 10K is at the end of this month. Looking forward to it!

    1. Thank you! Good luck for yours, you will feel great afterwards.

  3. Well done on your 10k! I did my 5k a couple of months ago and already signed up for a 10k in September. I just find running such a good way to de-stress :) xx

    Katy | Little Miss Katy

    1. Ahh good luck with your 10K! You will do great :)
